Autumn 2020 in Print: The Dying of the Light

Rust + Moth’s Autumn 2020 issue is now available in print! This issue does its level best to wrest language back from the ashes. These pieces own themselves, they resist simplicity, and they rise like lions.

With new poetry from Renee Agatep, Phil Goldstein, Annie Phan, Kashvi Chandok, Kristian Macaron, Adam Gianforcaro, Tyler M Michaud, Jennifer Chiu, Elane Kim, Stefan White, Corine Huang, Caleb Curtiss, Ali Nuri, Katherine Fallon, Maria Isabel Pachón, Cynthia Atkins, Nancy Hightower, T Dallas Saylor, Jennifer L Freed, Uma Menon, Michael Steffen, Gaia Rajan, Ron Stottlemyer, Sarah Renee Beach, John Amen, Melanie Robinson, Probal Basak, Sasha Wade, Sarah Elkins, Hiya Chowdhury, Molly Reitman, Tiffany Wu, Audrey Gradzewicz, Terry Tierney, and Abigail Swoboda.

If you anticipate waiting in a long line to vote this fall, we invite you to take these pages with you. Also available on Kindle. All profits from this issue will be donated to the Movement for Black Lives.

Good luck out there, everyone.