Headline Haiku

resistant bacteria
sparks hospital fears

womens’ rights threatened
by fundamentalism
and far right: UN

solid gold toilet
to open to public at
new york’s guggenheim

The headlines above are real headlines from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. The author gathered them from Kaggle’s “A Million News Headlines” dataset: https://www.kaggle.com/therohk/million-headlines. The code used to filter out headlines fitting haiku syllable structure was written by the author and is publicly available here: https://www.kaggle.com/lazovich/headline-haiku-detection/. It uses the Python programming language along with open source packages syllables and cmudict for syllable counting. After narrowing down to 7,486 potential headlines from the dataset, the author hand-selected the ones that appear above, taking into account their relevance today and emotional impact when presented together. Technology can be a powerful tool for the creative process!