—after the NHS website
1. Reframe unhelpful thoughts
I tear the edges
of my teenage photo then I
hang the empty frame.
2. Be in the present
The cardboard box is just
the right size. I hide within it
and wait to be opened.
3. Get good sleep
On every page
I write Zs
until dawn.
4. Connect with others
Elastic band in hand,
I stretch it out, ready to fling
at anyone with an open eye.
5. Live a healthy life
health health health
health wealth health
health health health
6. Do something for yourself
This list has been impetus
not for significance
but for selfishness.
7. Write a letter to future you
Dear FutureMe, PastMe failed. PresentMe
tried to future-proof itself so you might exist
in a third place we are all striving to reach.